Everyone loves the Australian Postie Bike Grand Prix, where the only thing faster than the bikes is the crash count! And now, motorcycle journo Nigel Paterson and TV veteran Kathy Moore have gone and made this iconic event into a movie…

When 30+ bikes all of equal power head for the same corner at the same time, it’s gonna be carnage and it certainly is in the Australian Postie Bike Grand Prix, an iconic event running for the past decade in Cessnock, NSW.

Thrills Delivered is a 50-minute documentary about a recent Australian Postie Bike Grand Prix – the country’s last around-the-houses road race, a survivor in the face of the onslaught that is the Nanny State.

In pouring rain the event was spectacular for its crash count, with many bikes going down or running into the barriers… only to be picked up and kicked back to life, riders looking to make up the lost ground at full throttle.

The trackside cameras and the onboard footage make you feel like you’re riding in the event – just watch it in the rain for that immersive experience! Shot in 4K, with slow-motion footage of the action, means it looks best on a big screen TV.

Made by well-known Australian motorcycle journalist Nigel Paterson and TV veteran Kathy Moore, Thrills Delivered follows the fates of a number of teams, from those at the pointy end looking for victory to those having a go for the fun.

Some will finish with glory, some with bent bikes, some with beers and one in hospital…

Check out the preview below, and rent or buy the movie at https://postiebikegrandprix.vhx.tv/